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Living History team over the weekend of
July 7 and 8 2013, visit www.dogrosesound.org


Wymondham Model Progress and other news

An elderly blind man in a fawn jacket and dark glasses is feeling the buildings on the model with his right hand. To  his left is a younger man in a black t-shirt running his hand over the Braille which has been created temporarily with swell-paper.
Fred and Matt test out the wooden model of Wymondham
Wymondham Model Progress and other news

The wooden model for Wymondham was completed in April and it was brought down to Wymondham for testing with blind colleagues. Adjustments were made to the labels and text around the model and one or two buildings had to be removed.

It is now with Powderhall bronze and being prepared for casting. As usual, the efficient Pauline Hills of Photocast Products did a rapid turnaround of the labels so that the model is now back on track after delays caused by cancelled meetings.

General work for the Trust will be a little curtailed this summer as Peter Howell is having an operation on his left hand. He had the right hand done three years and this was very successful and now it is the turn for the other one to be done.

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