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Articles, Papers, Conferences and Exhibitions

Articles, Papers, Conferences and Exhibitions

Articles published by The Dog Rose Trust

The Finnish Journal of Urban Studies 2011: 1 Volume 49, Per Hedfors and Peter Howell: Urban sonotopes - towards a participatory design (page 24)

Essay in Blindness and the Multi-Sensorial City, edited by Patrick Devlieger, Frank Renders, Hubert Froyen and Kristel Wildiers, published Antwerp, 2006. ISBN 90-441-1739-4.

'Dog Rose Trust Update', On Track, Newsletter of COTIS, Issue 43, January 2003.

'The Art of the Dog Rose Trust', Tapping Technology, November 1998, Baltimore Maryland.

Innovations in Information, The National Information Forum, articles in April 1996 and July 1998.

'The Dorcas Project, Access to Architecture through Sound and Touch', Interpretation, February 1996.

New Beacon, RNIB, February 1996.

'Perception, Disability and the Conservation Environment', Journal of Architectural Conservation, Volume 1, Number 2, July 1995, Donhead Publishing.

Papers given by The Dog Rose Trust

Spring 2008: to the students at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala and at the Atheneum, the Finnish National Gallery in Helsinki.

'Design and communication in a multi-sensory environment', given at the Sensory Urbanism Conference at Strathclyde University, January 2008. This has now been produced as a book.

Case studies on multi-sensory design on HLF funded projects to the HLF staff from all over the UK, at Birmingham, October 2006.

Session on Universal and Multi-sensory Design given to the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability in Phoenix, Arizona, September 2005. The meeting was organised by the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC.

VSA Arts Cutural Access Institute, Athens, March 20-22, 2003. Papers and workshops given over 3 days.

University of Leuven, Belgium 6-8 November, 2003, Access to historic cities for people with visual impairments. Paper given.

'Soundscaping': Powerpoint presentation given to the American Association of Museums in St. Louis, Missouri, May 2001.

'Follow The Blue Track!', A Case Study in Accessibility at the Museum of British Road Transport, Coventry, Museums for All Conference, Helsinki, Finland, November 2000.

'The Technology of Producing Tactile Plans', First International Conference on Tactile Diagrams, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, October 2000.

'The Accessible Countryside', Designing for the 21st Century, Providence, Rhode Island, June 2000.

'The Accessible Countryside', International Institute for Peace through Sustainable Tourism, Glasgow, October 1999.

'Universal Design', Institute of European Design and Disability, Dublin, August, 1998

'Designing in all senses for all people', Designing for the 21st Century, New York, June 1998.

'Music and Deaf Culture', Research for the University of Leicester Attenborough Centre for Disability and the Arts, 1996.

'Tactile and Sound Pictures', Listening to Art, Liverpool Tate, April 1996.

Conferences and Exhibitions attended

Sight Sound, Glasgow 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999

ICAD Conference in Glasgow in 1998

People Places and Spaces, run by the Arts Council of Scotland in Glasgow 1996

Sight Village, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 1996

Nomad at the Birmingham Royal Institute for the Blind, 1995

TIDE Conference at the University of Hertfordshire, at Hatfield, 1994

Euroleisurelink, an RNIB Conference in London, 1994

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