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Living History team over the weekend of
July 7 and 8 2013, visit www.dogrosesound.org


Research on Audio and Acoustics with the University of York.

Research on Audio and Acoustics with the University of York.


The Dog Rose Trust is excited to be part of the research cluster for the I Hear Too project which aims atImproving Heritage Experience through Acoustic Reality and Audio Research’, run by the Department of Electronics at the University of York.  In April the Trust gave a paper at the first research network held at the National Railway Museum in York.
The focus of the day was to consider the general role of audio and acoustics in heritage and included presentations from academic researchers, artists and industry stakeholders, bringing their varying perspectives on the role of sound and acoustics in their own definition, understanding and interaction with heritage.
Listen to this Space, the paper given by the Trust, can be found at http://iheartoo.blogspot.com/.

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