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Clun Museum

The picture shows the interior of the Museum with show cases and items displayed on the walls. In the foreground are three white linen smocks as worn by farmers in the past.
The ground floor of Clun Museum
Clun Museum

Some years ago the Trust worked with Clun Museum on some tactile and audio items to make it more accessible to people with visual impairments. Denise and Terry worked with us and Denise recorded an audio guide about the museum and its exhibits.

The Museum has now expanded into the upper floor and over the years objects have moved or been redisplayed. As the Museum is applying for accreditation with the Museums Association, it seemed the right time to look at installing some new facilities. The Trust has been asked to make suggestions for this and will be working on it with Kent Tomey, the Curator. Many of the interesting items in the Museum can be touched and the Trust will be work to make a visit even more enjoyable.

Further information:www.clun.org.uk/townhall.htm

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