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Ludlow Castle and baby

The whole castle has now been produced and is shown in the picture complete with the outer bailey and the outer walls. The small scale castle has been placed in the open space of the outer bailey for the purpose of comparison of sizes.
The completed model of Ludlow Castle with the half size model in the inner bailey
Ludlow Castle and baby

Ludlow Castle is now complete and has produced a baby -  or at least a half size model has been made. This is to demonstrate that the same digital image can be used at different scales and does not loose any of its detail.

The baby castle has been placed in the outer bailey of the completed model which shows the extent of the outer bailey and the walls around the whole site. Work now needs to be done to join the four sections of the completed castle together and provide a base for it.

This small scale size would be useful to carry around the Castle to locate a blind visitor in the more complex areas of the building.

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